Dr. Patricia Nason Endorsement

"Mendy Clarks' Transforming the Heart, provides insight into the spiritual demise of women who struggle yet fail to live a godly life while providing hope in a fallen world. Upon completion of her dissertation, Developing a Biblical Model to Disciple Women in the Process of Spiritual Maturation, it was obvious that Christian women needed Dr. Clark's experience, wisdom, and guidance in searching Scriptures to grow into godly women. Mendy was encouraged to produce a workbook representing her findings so women, through a study of the Scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit, would have the opportunity to confront the hidden sin(s) in their lives and to realize the effets of the atoning love of Jesus Christ, to desire repentance and change in their thinking, and to know and understand clear and complete obedience to Him. Learning through these stages of growth can lead to the meaningful relationship with God that Christ-followers are seeking after but rarely find. The biblically-founded guide provides a comprehensive study of God's Word that can bring the woman who is seeking after God's own heart into a new relationship making Jesus the Lord of her life and leading her to continued spiritual growth. Such insight can only be found through the teaching of the Holy Spirit as He illumines Scripture and through the guidance of an individual who has allowed the Holy Spirit to be her teacher. I recommend the study guide which can be used with/by a counselor, women's leader, or individual who is pursing God. I am confident that those who go through the guide will experience changed lives for Christ. Thank you, Dr. Clark, for your obedience to a God-given task!"

-Dr. Patricia Nason (PhD), Professor of Foundation of Teaching from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Workbook Testimonials

"I just purchased the one series, Following God study guide, Created to Bow. It is one of the best bible studies I have ever done. Most bible studies are simple and mostly milk basic bible truths, which is fine. However, I crave studies like this or Kay Arthur Precepts studies. I have never paid attention to Systematic Theology but now I truly understand its intent. This is how God wired me intellectually but it’s God’s truth and a deeper level of study for following logical steps biblically.

Thank you & am grateful to Mendy Clark. I live in a very spiritually dark place here in the PNW. As a believer, these kinds of studies keep me STANDING on firm ground in Christ."

- Carol Hansen

Personal Discipleship Testimonials

If you are eager to grow in your love for God's word and be filled with true freedom in Christ, this study on Galatians is a beautiful guide that will open your eyes to God's grace. "

- Larkin Muncaster, Charlottesville Community Church, Charlottesville, VA

"The Galatians study, “Cease Striving”, is a comprehensive and compelling study with deep and rich treasures on every page. I highly recommend this study to anyone; first-time Bible students as well as seasoned ones. My relationship with my Lord and Savior is deeper as I rest more in His grace through faith, rather than in my striving."

-Libby Taggart, Charlottesville Community Church, Charlottesville, VA

"I have learned that if I am not bowing to God, then I am bowing to the enemy. And as I choose to bow to the Lord and obey Him, I am being healed. Obedience to the Lord does not always "feel" good, especially not at the time. Sometimes there is immediate and great relief following my act of obedience. Sometimes there is a spiritual attack and doubt starts to creep back in. The Lord is granting me both repentance and forgiveness. He has taken the anxiety and given me peace in Him. He has taken the depression and given me hope and joy for the future. He has taken my anger and given me compassion. He has taken my fear and given me the boldness and strength to obey Him. He is restoring my soul. He is lovingly and compassionately showing me I was "created to bow."

-Karen Nixon, Poteau Oklahoma

Retreat Testimonials

"I am so thankful for the team at Transforming the Heart for the teaching they brought to us for our fall retreat.  It was clear, Biblical, and transformative! They also shared testimonies of the Lord's work in their own lives; which spoke to many hearts, in many ways.  Clearly Jesus Christ is their focus and they radiate a joy, peacefulness, and steadfastness from spending time with Him and by sharing Him with others!"

- Christina Bowman, Charlottesville Community Church, Charlottesville, VA

"I am so thankful to have attended a retreat by the Transforming the Heart team. Studying Genesis 3 in depth, alongside the testimonies helped me understand more about my own heart. It is God's grace that invites me to surrender my will and obey the Lord and in doing so, He calls me to Himself and sets me free."

- Noelle Ulman, Charlottesville Community Church, Charlottesville, VA

"Created to Bow has taught me how to be free from the bonds of perfectionism, control, and the lies of Satan. It has truly been a life-transforming study. I have learned that He is in control. He is the answer and that we were made for His purpose and that anything short of this truth will leave us empty and unsatisfied."

-Miranda Curbow, First Baptist Church in Charleston, AR